North Carolina County Volunteer Page
We are a laid back group of volunteers that are not interested in politics, campaigning,
rules and regulations or any of the other power struggles that the other projects are into.
We are only interested in getting FREE DATA on our sites for everyone to utilize and aid
in their process of finding their Lost Souls.
If you are on an agenda to become the President, Chairperson, National Coordinator, etc please
surf on to another site because Lost Souls Genealogy Project is NOT the place for you. If you
are interested in building sites to provide genealogical data for others, having fun and
comradery with other genealogists and researchers and working towards the common goal of
providing free data to everyone then please join us and read on!
How do I become a host?
Transcribe all the material you can get your hands on. Ask people on the mailing lists to
help you transcribe information and offer to add anything they may have to the site.
Photograph and transcribe a cemetery or three or more. Transcribe census records, bibles,
obituaries, marriages, deeds, old family letters, add your family tree, or add some of the
other great info you might have.
Ask other researchers and add their materials to the site. Once you get other genealogists
and researchers involved the sites grow by leaps and bounds. The more info you have on the
site the more likely others will send in their information to add as well.
Remember the copyright belongs to the person submitting the information and give them that
copyright on the page(s) they submit to you.
How do I build my site or what should it look like?
Make your site as visually pleasing as possible. No really bright colors or backgrounds that
aren't muted and make sure you use a font and color that are easy to read by everyone, up to
and including the elderly that have poor eyesight.
Include a link back to the main Lost Souls Genealogy Project, your State Project, surrounding
counties, and any other applicable projects included within Lost Souls Genealogy Project.
The links must be on your main index page and the counties can be listed on a page called the
neighbors if you so choose.
Your current name and email address must be on your index page so you are easy to contact
with any questions or contributions that genealogists and researchers may have.
Include the county or state history linked from your index page. Let visitors know when your state
or county was formed, cities and towns, a brief history and any other interesting facts about your
state or county.
Include photos, documents, books, surnames, libraries, court records, maps, military info, family
pages, brick walls, links to information, and other information that will aid anyone researching
your county or state.
Ready to join us?
We have our own server where your site can/will be hosted. Ask Diane Siniard for more information.
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